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  • Ideas for decorating the living room with vintage furniture

Ideas for decorating the living room with vintage furniture

Giessegi furniture offers a wide range of atmospheres to recreate and goes well with many styles, including the timeless vintage. Vintage is full of charm and personality and is perfect for decorating the living room, the beating heart of the house, a place where family and friends gather.
This trend that comes from the past is always in vogue even in furnishings and gives a sparkling atmosphere, full of dynamism without sacrificing comfort. Vintage furniture is full of personality and can be easily combined with furnishing accessories characterized by strong color contrasts.

Vintage sideboards for a retro and refined touch

Sideboards are very versatile and functional furniture in the living room, in the dining room in the entrances and corridors. In the Giessegi collection, among the many classic and modern models, there are also retro-inspired sideboards.
Those who want an eclectic living room where geometries are king, can opt for the vintage sideboard, available in two versions, one in warm tones and the other in colder colors.
By inserting other furnishing elements, such as a design armchair in leather or velvet and cushions with graphic motifs, a dip in the past is guaranteed!

The white sideboard, in matt lacquer, with its rounded edges, is ideal for those looking for an elegant and essential solution. It has references to the 60s but maintains a neutral profile so it is able to furnish many living rooms with taste.
Attention to detail always makes the difference and with such a piece of furniture, placing a painting or a Pop Art print next to it, gives the entire room a creative and always up-to-date character.

If you don't want to give the living room a totally vintage look but only recall this evergreen mood, you can use the mix & match method.
Using this approach, you have the opportunity to mix vintage furniture and accessories with more modern design furnishings. In a living area where you want to convey the balance between old and new, the industrial style sideboard in teak and reflex glass cannot be missing.

In this case, you can play with the objects to be placed on top of the cabinet: turntable, typewriter, but also mirrors and design lamps that recreate a setting of the past.
Here you can indulge yourself: just go around the markets to find original and eccentric objects that meet your desires.
The solutions proposed by Giessegi mix past identities with modern minimalist styles so they are perfect for furnishing any home with style and practicality.

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