Company - Giessegi.itCompany

Giessegi Industria Mobili Spa

Is one of the most significant realities in today’s international furniture business. Representing a great imprenditorial venture, the company made quality its prior mission, renewing its proposals to improve at best the life style e and the most contemporary trends.A company full of culture and experience in the furniture business.A complete production that moves forward with its own ‘Giessegi Philosophy’, stylistically consistent in each component. Kids’ bedrooms, beds, and cabinets, furniture, office and contract, a global project that architecturally excels tank to an exceptional versatility of the flexible and winning systems.

An infinite experience matured in time based on the taste of generations of consumers.
A company that works to improve the quality of life, growing constantly the aesthetics and reliability of its products and services.

Since 1970 reliability,
quality and Italian style.

Our numbers

100.000 m² Production site
580 Workforce


The protagonist of a highly successful business adventure, the company has made the continual striving for quality its mission, renewing its offerings to reflect the very latest lifestyles and trends to best effect.

The philosophy underlying Giessegi’s design work is the supply of intelligent solutions that meet the needs of contemporary life, with products that make spaces more comfortable and combine style with function.


The production process is completely autonomous since all the phases of manufacture between raw material and the finished product are executed inside the company.
This complete production autonomy allows a more accurate control of the product’s quality. The company is also equipped to produce any element out of standard both for the form and the essence of material.

Giessegi ’s exceptional modularity enables it to customise and differentiate products in response to the clientele’s needs. The company is also organised for the production of any items with customised shape or material; it has an in-house department specialising in the manufacture of custom-produced pieces, a genuine joinery workshop within a high-tech industrial plant.

The company places great emphasis on the thicknesses used in the various production lines, with the aim of improving the product’s quality and strength.The use of laser ABS edgings also enables the company to significantly improve the quality of its coated and clad products.
The products offered on the market are in a variety of woods and finishes, with a wide choice of colour combinations. Company also offers customers the option of customising their products with Ral range colours.

Corporate video

Giessegi has established itself as a major name in the furniture industry, with a long history at the top in Italyand on the export markets.
Quality, dynamism and efficiency are Giessegi ’s core values, guaranteeing high standards and reliability.

Giessegi Furniture Display Layout

Giessegi presents the new furniture display layout.

Company profile

Giessegi conception of living interprets different world lifestyles: a portrait of modernity expressed with variety and concreteness, reflecting creative supports and different sensitiveness.

See the Company profile
Qualità e risparmio hanno trovato casa

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