environmental policy
The company focuses its business practices on the environment. As well as improving its management procedures and helping to conserve the environment, Giessegi has adopted more responsible behaviour and has made a genuine contribution to the more rational use of the world’s resources. Giessegi's products are also guaranteed by “Ecological Panel” certification, which guarantees that no trees are felled for the production of its furniture. The ecological panel is unique in the world’s furniture industry and is made from 100% recycled wood. Thanks to consumers who choose furniture manufactured with the ecological panel, 10,000 trees are spared in the furniture sector every day.
Giessegi engages itself in the use of ecological water based paints. Giessegi lab is 100% powered by solar energy: an important investment that guarantees every year a reduction of emissions equal to 70/80 tons of Co2. Clean energy of metano gas for powering and heating all the factory is another important factor for environmental protection.
As well as developing production modes that comply with the relevant regulations, Giessegi uses innovative materials to create quality interiors. Key amongst these is the use of water-soluble coatings in which water itself is the solvent, meaning that no more than 5% solvents are used: this generates an impressive reduction in the solvents discharged into the atmosphere, as emissions consist almost exclusively of steam. This substances have low environmental impact because they are single-component, meaning that no catalyst is required.The excellent results of the use of these materials, which are also odourless and non-flammable, have also been demonstrated by the analysis of the waste produced by the company, which have been shown to be non-toxic and non-pollutant.