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As also advised in the relevant Privacy Policy, the website “www.giessegi.it” uses “cookies” and other similar information technologies first of all to make the browsing experience as pleasant and efficient as possible for the user.
With this Privacy Policy, Giessegi Industria Mobili S.p.A. intends to communicate to the user, in a transparent, intelligible and detailed manner, the methods and purposes of this use.

What are cookies

“Cookies” (literally the US word for “biscuits”) are small text strings which websites send to site visitors’ devices (usually to their browser, such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, etc.), where the cookies are stored and then sent back to the original websites when visitors return on another occasion.
While browsing a website, users may receive on their devices the cookies sent directly by that website (known as the “first party” website) as well as cookies sent by other websites (known as “third parties”), which may include certain elements (such as, for example, images, maps, sounds, specific links to other domains) that are found on the site being visited.

While browsing, certain operations may not be carried out without the use of cookies, which in certain cases, therefore, are technically essential. In other cases, the website being viewed uses cookies to facilitate and simplify the browsing by users or to allow the latter to make use of specifically requested services.
Cookies may even remain on the system for long periods and may also contain a unique identification code. This allows the sites that use them to keep track of how the users browse within the site itself also for statistical or advertising purposes, that is to create personalised profiles of users, starting from the pages that they have visited, and show them and/or send them targeted advertisements.
Cookies can differ according to their use or purpose:

a. Technical/functional cookies: also known as “necessary” cookies are required in order to continue browsing or to allow you to make use of the website and its functions. Certain operations cannot be performed without the use of cookies or would be become more complicated and/or less secure.

b. Preference cookies: sometimes assimilated to technical/functional cookies, they are used by the website to remember information that influences the way the website behaves or presents itself, such as the preferred language or the region in which you are located

c. Statistical cookies or “analytics”: they are used to understand how visitors interact with the website, by collecting and transmitting information in an aggregate and exclusively anonymous form

d. Profiling/advertising cookies: they are used to track your browsing and to offer you the very best browsing experience in line with your preferences. These profiling cookies also allow you to select the best offers tailored to you. They may be installed by the website owner or by third parties. Some are used to recognize individual advertising messages and know which ones have been selected and when. Other advertising cookies are used to hypothesize a browsing “profile” of the user, in order to be able to propose advertising messages in line with their behaviour and interests online. This “profile” is anonymous and the information collected through these cookies, by themselves, does not allow the user's identity to be traced.

e. Social network cookies: these are cookies that allow you to share the contents of the website you are visiting with other users. They are cookies that are typically used to activate the “Like” or “Share” or “Follow” functions on Social Networks such as Facebook and Twitter, to mention a couple. These functions allow Social Networks to identify their users and collect their information even while they are browsing on other websites.

What cookies do we use

The following table shows the supplier, the type of cookie, the expiry, the cookie purpose, the origin of the cookie and the location of the data sent for each of the cookies used on the “www.giessegi.it” website.
It should be noted that the cookies in the table indicated as “necessary” belong to the category described above in letter “a”; those relating to “statistics”, on the other hand, include the categories of cookies referred to in the above letters “b” and “d”; finally, “marketing” cookies are included in the category referred to in letter “d”.

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Google Analytics

The giessegi.it website makes use of Google Analytics, a service offered by Google LCC which allows the manager of a website to monitor it adequately. In a nutshell, Google Analytics collects information thanks to a computer code (Javascript) inserted in the web pages and to cookies that are generated when the user accesses them via the browser. In this way, Google Analytics records the activity of users of the website from the moment they access it until they leave it and converts everything into various reports, with graphs and statistical data that are easy to understand.
The data generated by Google Analytics is stored by Google as indicated in the cookie policy available at the following link https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/cookie-usage

To view the privacy policy of Google Inc., the Controller of the data processing relating to the Google Analytics service, click on the following link https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=it; for the cookie policy, click on the following link https://policies.google.com/technologies/cookies

Via the following link https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=it Google has also made available the additional component of the browser for deactivating Google Analytics.

Social network buttons and widgets

Social buttons are “buttons” on the website that portray the social network icons (e.g. Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter) and allow users who are browsing to interact directly with social platforms with a “click”, allowing them to share the contents of the page they are visiting.
The social buttons used by the site in the footer (bottom part of the website, found on each page) are links that refer to the Owner's accounts on the portrayed social networks. By using these buttons, third-party cookies are therefore not installed on the website.
Below are the links where you can view the privacy policy relating to the management of data by the Social networks to which the buttons refer.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/help/cookies
Pinterest: https://policy.pinterest.com/it/cookies
Google Plus: https://policies.google.com/technologies/cookies

Processing methods

The data is processed by us using automated tools; no data is disclosed or communicated.

Provision of data and consent

With the exception of technical cookies strictly necessary for normal browsing, the provision of data is left to the will of the data subject who, after reading the brief policy contained in the appropriate banner, clicks on the “yes, I accept” button and, therefore, decides to browse on the website and use the services that involve the installation of cookies.
You can therefore avoid the installation of cookies by retaining the banner (thus refraining from closing it by clicking on the “yes, I accept” button), as well as through the special functions available on your browser.

To keep note of the acquired consent, Giessegi Industria Mobili S.p.A. makes use of a specific technical cookie, a system that is not particularly invasive and that in turn does not require further consent. In the presence of this “documentation”, it is not necessary for the brief policy to be re-proposed on the user's second visit to the website, without prejudice to the right of the latter to refuse consent and/or modify, at any time and with ease, their options, for example by accessing the extended policy statement, which therefore remains accessible via any page on the website.

Disabling cookies and data subject’s rights

You can delete cookies that are not strictly necessary for browsing, via the suggestions published in this policy statement, or directly through the browser you are using. Each browser has different procedures for managing settings, as indicated below:

Microsoft Internet Explorer
Click on the “Tools” icon in the top right-hand corner and select 'Internet options'. In the pop-up window, select 'Privacy'. Here you can adjust the settings of your cookies.

Google Chrome
Click on the spanner in the top right-hand corner and select ‘Settings’. At this point select ‘Show advanced settings’ (“Under the hood”) and change the ‘Privacy’ settings.

Mozilla Firefox
Via the drop-down menu in the top left-hand corner, select ‘Options’. In the pop-up window, select 'Privacy'. Here you can adjust the settings of your cookies.

Via the drop-down settings menu in the top right-hand corner, select ‘Preferences’. Select ‘Security’ and here you can adjust the settings of your cookies.

If you really don't want to have anything to do with cookies, even at the cost of an inefficient browsing of the “www.giessegi.it” website, just select “anonymous” browsing in your browser, which can usually be activated in an intuitive way.

To learn more about cookies and how to manage or disable those of third parties or marketing/retargeting, visit:

Additional rights of data subjects

For your additional rights regarding the processing of personal data, please refer to the details in the Company Privacy Policy.
In order to exercise your rights or to obtain further information, you can send your request to Giessegi Industrie Mobili S.p.A., Via Bramante 39, Appignano (MC), Italy, Post code 62010, or to the following email address info@giessegi.it or PEC certified email address giessegispa@pec.it.

Third-party websites

The “third-party” websites that can be accessed through the “www.giessegi.it” website are not covered by this policy statement and Giessegi Industria Mobili S.p.A. disclaims any responsibility for them. The categories of cookies used and the type of personal data processing used by these companies are governed in compliance with the policy statements issued by them.



For further information about the processing of data collected on this website by Giessegi Industria Mobili S.p.A., please refer to the same company’s

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This website uses cookies.
We and several third-party services use cookies, as specified in the cookie policy.
You can consent to the use of these technologies by closing this information page, using a link or button outside it or by continuing to browse in another way.
Manage your consent preferences
The following panel allows you to set your consent preferences for the technologies we adopt to offer functions and carry out the activities described below. Consult our cookie policy page for further information. You can review and change your choices on the relative page at any time.
Technical cookies Strictly necessary
These cookies are strictly necessary to guarantee functioning and supply of the service you have requested from us and therefore do not require your consent.
These cookies allow us to measure traffic and analyse your behaviour in order to improve our service.
Targeting and Advertising
These cookies allow us to provide you with personalised content based on your behaviour and to manage, supply and track adverts.