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Privacy Policy

In order to protect the personal data of its customers, including potential customers, Giessegi Industria Mobili S.p.A. complies with national and international legislation on the protection of personal data and, in particular, with the principles and provisions of the European Regulation (EU) no. 679 of 27.4.2016, regarding Privacy (hereinafter “GDPR”).
Pursuant to Art. 13 of the GDPR and in relation to the personal data that Giessegi Industria Mobili S.p.A. may collect from customers/potential customers when they access the web pages of the www.giessegi.it website, we offer the following policy statement.

Controller and Processors

The Controller of the collected data is Giessegi Industria Mobili S.p.A. (hereinafter also “Giessegi”), with registered office in Appignano (MC), Via Bramante no. 39, post code 62010, VAT no. 00642760433, which you may contact via the email address info@giessegi.it or by sending a certified PEC email to giessegispa@pec.it, in order to exercise your rights in this matter.
For an updated list of designated data Processors, you can also contact the aforementioned Controller, using the same contact details.

Types of data collected and processed

1) Automatically collected information / Use data

Like any website, Giessegi's website also uses log files, which store the information collected automatically during your visits. The computer systems and software procedures used to operate the Website, in fact, automatically acquire some information during use, the transmission of which is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols.

The information collected, in particular, is the following: Internet Protocol (IP) address or the domain name of the device you use; type of browser and device parameters used to connect to the website; addresses in Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) notation of the requested resources or method used in submitting the request to the server; name of the internet service provider (ISP); date and time of the visit; referral web page and exit web page of the User; if appropriate, the number of clicks and the pathway used for the visit during the session; other parameters relating to the operating system and the IT environment of your device.

This information is collected and processed in an automated form for technical purposes regarding the proper functioning of the website and for statistical surveys, and not to be associated with any natural persons, although, by their nature, they may allow users/visitors to be identified.

2) Cookies

“Cookies” (literally the US word for “biscuits”) are small text strings which websites send to site visitors’ devices (usually to their browser, such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, etc.), where the cookies are stored and then sent back to the original websites when visitors return on another occasion.

Giessegi uses cookies (including “profiling” and “third-party” cookies) to allow you to browse efficiently, to avoid you being served with advertising banners that do not match your interests and to allow you to use social media efficiently.

For more details about the methods and purposes of their use and also to know the relevant disabling tools, please consult the specific Cookie Policy that can be reached via the link at the bottom of every web page.

3) Registration data and sending orders

We collect the data you provide us with when registering on the website, such as name, surname, email address, as well as the data you provide us with when sending an order, such as billing address, shipping address, method of payment. This data is always provided subject to your explicit and deliberate consent to the processing of such personal data.

4) Newsletter subscription

To update you on Giessegi products, news and events, we collect and process the email address you provided, always subject to your explicit and deliberate consent to the processing of your personal data.

5) Data sent via the Contact Form on the website

We collect and process the data you provide us with through the contact form on the website (name and surname, address, email, telephone number and specific request), always subject to your explicit and deliberate consent to the processing of such personal data.

6) Data sent via the Customer Care form

We also collect and process personal data freely and specifically provided by you to send us your complaints/reports regarding problems of various kinds. The data you provide here includes your personal data (name, surname, full address, email address, telephone number), the data of the retailer where you made your purchase (name and city), the product that is the subject of your complaint/report (year of purchase, type, model, finishes and colours, etc.), the nature of the problem (retailer, product, delivery, etc.), any additional information you may wish to specify and any files you have attached. This is again provided subject to your explicit and deliberate consent to the processing of such personal data.

Procedures for collecting and processing data

Giessegi Industria Mobili S.p.A. adopts the appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorised access, disclosure, modification or destruction of Personal Data. Moreover, this is all in compliance with Art. 5 and 32 of the GDPR.
The data is collected and processed using IT and/or digital tools, with organisational methods and with logic strictly related to the purposes indicated in this privacy policy.
In addition to the Controller, in some cases, other parties involved in the internal organisation of the service offered by Giessegi (administrative, commercial and marketing personnel and system administrators, etc.) or even external parties (such as third-party service providers, postal couriers, hosting providers, IT companies, communication agencies, lawyers) may have access to the personal data.
The personal data is processed at the Controller's operating offices and in any other place where the parties involved in the processing are located.
For more information and more details, you may want to contact the Controller.

Purposes of collecting and processing data

Giessegi will make sure that the data you provide is processed by persons that have been specifically appointed, authorised and instructed pursuant to, among other things, Articles 28 and 29 of the GDPR.
Maximum attention, pursuant to Articles 5 and 32 of the GDPR, will be paid to the security of the data collected, so as to prevent its loss and illicit or incorrect use, or to prevent unauthorised access thereto.

Your data is processed for the following purposes:

i. conducting the technical management of the website;

ii. receiving and processing your requests for information and/or your communications, or your complaints and/or your reports regarding problems of various kinds, or also for processing the purchase orders sent by you;

iii. fulfilling legal obligations.

iv. updating you on all our promotional and marketing initiatives, including direct ones through automated tools and/or traditional methods of contact, including “push” notifications (so-called “marketing services”). The newsletter and marketing services, including direct ones, can be provided both through automated tools (for example, push notifications, emails, text messages, etc.), and through traditional contact methods (e.g. paper-based mail).
We would remind you that in compliance with the “Guidelines on advertising activities and combating Spam” of 4 July 2013, the consent given by you for the sending of commercial, advertising and marketing communications through automated tools will also be extended to traditional contact methods (telephone, post, etc.).

v. selecting for you the products and promotions that may be of greatest interest to you, by analysing the browsing log data and purchase data.

For the purposes described in points i, ii and iii, the provision of your personal data is necessary because, if you fail to do so, you would not be able to use the services offered, receive our assistance or an answer to your requests, receive the products you ordered on our site, and we would not be able to fulfil the relevant regulatory obligations. The legal basis of the processing, in such cases, lies first of all in the need to perform a service agreed between the parties (see, among other things, Article 6, paragraph 1, letter b of the GDPR), as well as in the need to comply with the law (see Article 6, paragraph 1, letter c of the GDPR).
For the purposes described in points iv and v, the legal basis of the processing is primarily your consent (pursuant to, among other things, Article 6, paragraph 1, letter a of the GDPR). Failure to process data for the purposes indicated therein will not allow us to provide you with our assistance, our best sales services and our promotions, it being understood that you will still be able to access the additional services offered by the site.

Who we may send your data to

Your data may be disclosed, within the EU, in full compliance with the GDPR and all relevant legislation, to the following parties:

- to the tax administration and/or other public authorities, where this is required by law or upon a request from them;

- to the facilities, parties and outsourced companies that the Controller uses to perform activities connected, instrumental or consequent to the execution of services on the website - including the cloud computing storage service, the provision of marketing services and profiling activities;

- to external consultants (for example, for the management of tax obligations), even if not designated in writing as Processors.

The information collected automatically by the website as well as some anonymous data relating to the number and type of interactions with the activities associated with loyalty purposes in the strict sense (referred to in points 1 and 2 of the paragraph “Types of personal data collected and processed”), may be transferred to “Third-party” cloud servers even located outside the EU, as this processing is necessary for the execution of the website services and those requested by you. Without prejudice to the compliance with the precautions provided for in Chapter V of the GDPR, therefore, the legal basis of this processing is also found in Art. 49, paragraph 1, lett. b of the GDPR.

Your rights with respect to the collected data

We would remind you that, as the data subject, you can exercise your rights with respect to the Controller, Giessegi Industria Mobili S.p.A., regarding the right to:

- request and obtain access to your personal data and the related information, also regarding their origin; the rectification of inaccurate data or the integration of incomplete data; the erasure of personal data concerning you (so-called ‘right to be forgotten’, under the conditions indicated in Article 17, paragraph 1 of the GDPR and in compliance with the exceptions provided for in paragraph 3 of the same article); the restriction of the processing of your personal data (in the event of one of the hypotheses indicated in Art. 18, paragraph 1 of the GDPR);

- request and obtain - in the event that the legal basis of the processing is a contract or consent, when the processing is carried out by automated means - your personal data in a structured, and machine-readable format also with a view to sending such data to another data controller (so-called right to personal data portability);

- object at any time to the processing of your personal data;

- withdraw the consent at any time, limited to the cases in which the processing is based on the consent itself for one or more specific purposes and concerns common personal data (for example date and place of birth or place of residence), or particular categories of data ( e.g. data revealing racial origin, political views, religious beliefs, health or sex life). Processing based on consent and carried out prior to the revocation of such consent retains, however, its lawfulness;

- lodge a complaint with the supervisory authorities (Italian Data Protection Authority, see the website www.garanteprivacy.it).

With specific reference to marketing services, we should point out that your right to request the termination of the processing carried out through automated contact methods also extends to traditional methods. Furthermore, the possibility of exercising this right only in part remains unaffected, i.e. by requesting the interruption, for example, of the sending of promotional communications through one or some of the contact tools for which you have given consent.
If you are subscribed to the newsletter service and have communicated your e-mail address to receive direct marketing services, you can exercise the opt-out to cancel the subscription by clicking on the appropriate link included in the promotional message.
With regard to cookies, you can independently exercise your choices about deleting or maintaining them, by following the instructions in the specific Cookies Policy which can be reached via the link at the bottom of each web page.
To exercise your rights, or to obtain any other information in this regard, you can send your request to Giessegi Industrie Mobili SpA, with registered office in Appignano (MC), Via Bramante no.39, postal code 62010, to the e-mail address info@giessegi.it or via the certified PEC email address giessegispa@pec.it.

Duration of Processing
Your data will be kept for a period not exceeding that necessary to provide the requested services and, in any case, until the processing is terminated/cancelled by you.
The data will be kept, in any case, for as long as is necessary to fulfil any legal obligations.

Security measures
As already stated, your personal data is processed by Giessegi Industria Mobili S.p.A. in compliance with the relevant legislation and using appropriate security measures, aimed inter alia at preventing unauthorised access, theft, disclosure, modification and/or unauthorised destruction of your data, also in accordance with Articles 5 and 32 of the GDPR.

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This website uses cookies.
We and several third-party services use cookies, as specified in the cookie policy.
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Manage your consent preferences
The following panel allows you to set your consent preferences for the technologies we adopt to offer functions and carry out the activities described below. Consult our cookie policy page for further information. You can review and change your choices on the relative page at any time.
Necessari Cookie Tecnici
I cookie necessari contribuiscono a rendere fruibile il sito web abilitandone funzionalità di base quali la navigazione sulle pagine e l'accesso alle aree protette del sito. Il sito web non è in grado di funzionare correttamente senza questi cookie
È un cookie nativo di PHP e consente al sito di memorizzare dati sullo stato della sessione.
È un cookie tecnico utilizzato per memorizzare le preferenze sulla gestione dei cookie.
Analytics Cookie Analitici
These cookies allow us to measure traffic and analyse your behaviour in order to improve our service.
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Funzionalità: per archiviare e contare le visualizzazioni di pagina tramite anonimizzazione dei dati.
Scopo: Statistiche
Usato da Google Analytics
Funzionalità: per archiviare e contare le visualizzazioni di pagina tramite anonimizzazione dei dati.
Scopo: Statistiche
Targeting and Advertising Cookie Targeting e Pubblicità
Usato da Pinterest
Funzionalità: sconosciuta
Scopo: Marketing/Monitoraggio
Usato da Facebook
Funzionalità: per archiviare e tracciare le visite sui siti web.
Scopo: Marketing/Monitoraggio