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New: restyling of the website and official App

The basis of our work is the continuous research for quality, which is reflected in all our furnishing and digital proposals. Therefore we are pleased to introduce the new website and the new App.
To keep pace in a world that is constantly changing, we have restyled the site and created the official Giessegi App.
These solutions improve the aesthetics and services we offer to customers on the web channel.


We have paid particular attention to usability on mobile, starting from the consideration that 75% of the site's audience comes from smartphones and tablets, confirming a general trend that is also reflected in the experience of our users.
This vision inspired the review of the site: we have optimized responsive design and web usability through a more intuitive menu with an essential layout.
We have also decided to abandon the technology of browsable catalogs to make room for a more immediate and faster download of the catalogs.


Refined and functional, the App expresses the soul of Giessegi, which characterizes all the furniture collections.
The App is free and meets the needs of contemporary living, which requires continuous updating: through the application, customers and brand lovers can always have catalogs in their pocket.
The App was also introduced and designed to give retailers, agents and representatives a digital tool to be able to present products to customers in a quick and smart way. Furthermore, through the App, the company has chosen to make available the material useful for the operation of its sales force, such as price lists, design software and corporate advertising material, as well as - of course - all orders related to each seller account.
Thanks to the App it will be possible to receive direct notifications from the company in order to be updated in real time on previews and news.
Those who love Giessegi will also love the practicality of this innovative App: it is available on Google Play and the App Store, and can be downloaded for free on all mobile devices using IOS and Android operating systems.

Qualità e risparmio hanno trovato casa
L'App Giessegi ti aspetta, scaricala ora!

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