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Giessegi is online with the new website

Giessegi inaugurates the new website, renewed in its graphic and more intuitive for the navigation, aiming firstly to reward the user experience.

Large space, as usual, to the images of collections: children's and kids’ bedrooms, bedrooms, living spaces, contract furniture for hotel-residences and offices, are positioned in a very convenient and immediate drop down menu.

The catalogues of the collections are now freely browsable online: the new site fully adapts to the typical formats and features of smartphones and tablets, thus facilitating the navigation experience with any type of device.

A more articulated area is reserved to resellers, who are not only present in Italy and Europe, but also in the rest of the world such as America, South Africa and the Middle East.

The Company's history has got the same importance in the new site, together with its values and certifications, as a proof for its recognition as an avant-garde reality and as a true excellence in the Made in Italy.

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